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Jojo Gaming Studios

no registered office



Information on audiovisual media services

Headquarters: Germany

Regulatory and supervisory authority: Saarland State Media Authority (LMS)


We are responsible for the content of our website in accordance with the provisions of general law. All content is created with due care and to the best of our knowledge. Insofar as we refer to other websites via hyperlinks on our website, we cannot guarantee that the linked content is always up-to-date, correct and complete, as this content is outside our area of responsibility and we have no influence on its identical design. If you believe that any content violates applicable law or is illegal, please let us know.

The legal aspects of this site as well as all questions and their consistent implementation with the design of these legal aspects are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Copyright notice

The texts, images, photos, videos or graphics on our website are generally protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use (in particular the reproduction, processing or distribution) of this copyrighted content is therefore prohibited. If you intend to use this content or parts thereof, please contact us in advance using the details above. If we do not ourselves own the necessary rights of use for the required documents, we should endeavor to put you in touch with someone who can provide authorization.

Social media profile

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Created with the kind support of Dieter macht den Datenschutz

“Dieter does data protection” is a product of simply Legal GmbH, Burkarderstr. 36, D-97082 Würzburg. All rights reserved 2024 .

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